Equine photography by Manuela Stefan

This past weekend (June 15-17) I had the great joy to be a part of the Art Walk at the Polo for Heart event. As it was my very first time participating, I can only speak for this year’s atmosphere: vibrant, great energy all around, wonderful people. But most importantly, exquisite job done by all the organizers and volunteers. Not to mention a truly impressive list of sponsors! I was simply amazed to hear only fantastic feedback coming from all directions, everyone seemed to be truly taken with the overall high quality.
As an artist, I had the privilege to have my equine fine art canvases exhibited in a beautiful space, as the Artists’ tent this year was set up as a gallery.
Many thanks are going out to lovely Alyson Barron who has put a lot of creative effort into making sure our displays got great traffic and attention from the visitors.
I was also deeply honored to participate in the silent auction and contribute a little to the noble purpose of supporting the Heart and Stroke Foundation through my work.
The very first day I also had the pleasure to meet Argentinian Polo player Pablo Falabella who had the kindness to visit my booth. We had a great conversation about life around horses and what they mean to a man who has been on their back since he was 3 years old.
Whenever I could, I loved picking up my camera and freezing a few moments from the field. I am attaching some images below which I hope speak for the level of energy, enthusiasm, joy sharing this Polo for Heart weekend has been all about.
I look forward to coming back next year!

With gratitude, Manuela.

Argentinian Polo player Pablo Falabella photographed in front of my booth

Polo player and horse detail

The hat display at the Polo event was quite the sight!

In action!

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